HTML5 Validation

I recently got asked what HTML5 validation looks like.

Needless to say this was a bit of a strange question, but as I read on through the question, I realized that is wasn’t a case of not knowing what HTML5 validation looks like, but a case of where jQuery validation stopped and the HTML5 stuff started.

In this quick post, I’m going to briefly cover the HTML5 validation stuff in the hopes it’ll clear a few things up.
Continue reading “HTML5 Validation”

Firebug – and some major geek kudos.

I don’t often write about individual teams, unless I have something really great to say, or some special thanks to give, and in this case it’s a little of both.

Those of you out there that are developers like me, and especially those in the web arena will know just what a PIA it is to debug client side code in Javascript.  What’s more, those of you who have to do this task often will (I hope) know about Firebug.

Continue reading “Firebug – and some major geek kudos.”

Jquery (The easy path to Ajax goodness)

I bought another book yesterday, one I’ve been on the look out for, for a while now.

The book is entitled "Learning jQuery 1.3", and is published by "Packt Publishing" under ISBN 9781847196705. I’ve been using JQuery for some time now, but am by no means an expert in it, so this book will serve as a reference to sit alongside my other books on my already overcrowded desk. You can see it on Amazon Here (Learning jQuery 1.3)

Continue reading “Jquery (The easy path to Ajax goodness)”

Part 10 of my ‘ABCs of PHP’ series published.

Part 10 (The final part) of my 10 part series on beginning PHP is now available at PHPBuilder , the final part shows a working example of a script to read news headlines from slashdot and brings together some of the lessons learned in previous parts.

You can read the article at:

Continue reading “Part 10 of my ‘ABCs of PHP’ series published.”

Part 9 of my PHP tutorial released.

Some of you may or may not know, but iv’e been writing a tutorial series for called the “ABC’s of PHP”. Part 9, which is all about regular expressions, has just gone live tonight, if your interested then click on the following link to read the article over at

The previous 8 instalments (if you want to read them all) are listed here: Continue reading “Part 9 of my PHP tutorial released.”