Using a Full Framework SQL Server Project in a .NET core project build.

In this world of EFCore and migrations support that we have now, it’s hard to remember that at one time the primary means of performing SQL server database builds and changes was to use an “SQL Server” project type in visual studio.

In fact many newer devs who are only used to dotnet core might never have even seen the project type that I’m on about

Screenshot 2020-08-26 185627
Continue reading “Using a Full Framework SQL Server Project in a .NET core project build.”

Build Automation for Dotnet Core Apps

In a previous blog post I documented how I built a “Build Server” to deploy .NET 4.6+ apps on windows 2012 server.

While this worked, and was a reasonably good way to do it, It wasn’t without it’s problems. During it’s use for example I frequently had timing problems, where just one little change to some JS code would cause NPM to overrun a time out by half a second, or where an SSH connection timed out just slightly before the build server completed it’s login, and on top of all that, it regularly used to take about 15 minutes to build and deploy the project it was being used for. Continue reading “Build Automation for Dotnet Core Apps”

Creating a .NET 4.6.2 Build server on Server 2012

Given that I’ve not written anything original for over a year and a half (More on that in another post) and given I had an hour to spare, I thought I’d quickly go over what I’ve been up to this weekend (Feb 2nd 2017).

As part of a new project I’m involved in, I needed to create a new CI/Build server, and since I’ve had a Dell C6100 sat in the server rack not been used to it’s full potential, I decided now was a good time to put it into use.
Continue reading “Creating a .NET 4.6.2 Build server on Server 2012”