Bootstrap 4 Succinctly Released

The 8th book Iv’e written to date for Syncfusion’s ever popular Succinctly eBook series, and the third one one Bootstrap.

As Bootstrap continually gets better and more feature rich, then there is a need to keep up to date with the latest offerings it provides.

In this book, I take you on a just over 100 page tour of what’s new, and what it can now do (Hint: Flexbox rules!!!) and show you how to produce some interesting layouts.

Best part about it all is it’s free!!!

You can grab a copy here: Succinctly eBooks


Syncfusion E-Book Number 7

Can you believe it’s 3 years since I wrote my first eBook for the Syncfusion Succinctly series, back in January 2013 Syncfusion released “GIS Succinctly”, I never really though it would go much further than that because I really didn’t believe I had that much to offer as a technical writer.
Continue reading “Syncfusion E-Book Number 7”

An Interview with Crossroads PR

I was recently interviewed by Jennifer Gardner from Crossroads PR for a series of Author Q&A/Profiles commissioned by Syncfusion for their authors in the succinctly range.

Unfortunately my responses where too long for the post to go on the Syncfusion Blog, so they had to be shortened.

Beacuse of that, I’m reproducing the full unedited version here for those who’d like to read it

Continue reading “An Interview with Crossroads PR”

Resharper Succinctly Released

My 5th E-book in the Succinctly series of free E-book by .NET tools vendor Syncfusion was released yesterday.

The subject of this book is the Visual Studio developer add-on “Resharper” written by Jet-Brains.

If your curious as to what it does and how it can help you become a better developer, you can download the book for free here:

Happy reading


A Lovely Christmas Present for you all (Thanks to Syncfusion)

For those of you who knew it was coming, or just those of you who are looking for a quick developer friendly guide to the subject.

My fourth book in the Succinctly E-book series (Published by Syncfusion) was released today.

Twitter Bootstrap 3 Succinctly follows on where my previous one on the version 2 framework of the same name, left off.
Continue reading “A Lovely Christmas Present for you all (Thanks to Syncfusion)”

2013 Year end

As I sit here on Christmas eve, and look over what I’ve done this year I realize I’ve not blogged anywhere near as much as I said I would. Beacuse of this, I’m really going to try my best to blog at least once a month in 2014, and if I don’t then feel free to shout at me on twitter via @shawty_ds

So what have I learned this year…. well technology wise I’ve really got stuck back into using non .NET tools.
Continue reading “2013 Year end”