An Interview with Crossroads PR

I was recently interviewed by Jennifer Gardner from Crossroads PR for a series of Author Q&A/Profiles commissioned by Syncfusion for their authors in the succinctly range.

Unfortunately my responses where too long for the post to go on the Syncfusion Blog, so they had to be shortened.

Beacuse of that, I’m reproducing the full unedited version here for those who’d like to read it

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RIP PCW (One of the greats has died)

What can I say… Something very sad has happened today, Personal Computer World, is no more.

Yet another victim of the continuing Economic Crisis.

A lot of people outside the UK may not know the magazine, but to those of us who do, esp those of us who grew up with the magazine through the late 70’s and into the 80’s and beyond it’s a sad day for the I.T press here in good old blighty.

The demise of PCW, now leaves only PC-PRO and PC-Plus as the mainstream I.T publications, I hope they manage to continue online (I’ve looked and the website seems to be a picture of health), but I for one like many will miss the bizzare mix of technical expertise and whitty banter that used to be publised each month.

Ex editor Gordon Laing sums everything up in his Obituary Article available at :