Syncfusion E-Book Number 7

Can you believe it’s 3 years since I wrote my first eBook for the Syncfusion Succinctly series, back in January 2013 Syncfusion released “GIS Succinctly”, I never really though it would go much further than that because I really didn’t believe I had that much to offer as a technical writer.
Continue reading “Syncfusion E-Book Number 7”

Resharper Succinctly Released

My 5th E-book in the Succinctly series of free E-book by .NET tools vendor Syncfusion was released yesterday.

The subject of this book is the Visual Studio developer add-on “Resharper” written by Jet-Brains.

If your curious as to what it does and how it can help you become a better developer, you can download the book for free here:

Happy reading


DDD North 2012 – Post event

In my last post I mentioned that DDD North 2 was fast approaching.

Well as predicted it did not disappoint.  This year I was presenting on the subject of Spatial SQL, which almost had to be cancelled due to a failed Microsoft Security update to my Laptop just before I was due to go on.

Continue reading “DDD North 2012 – Post event”