Pure HTML Validation in Blazor

There’s been a lot of talk about Validation in the Blazor gitter chat recently.

The Blazor dev team have added some validation routines in that closley mimic the way validation works in ASP.NET MVC and many folks have been playing with them to see what they can do with them.

Chris Sainty has even produced a blog post [https://chrissainty.com/using-fluentvalidation-for-forms-validation-in-razor-components/] showing how to wire in the “Fluent Validation” libraries to make form validation even more awesome.
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Typescript for the C# developer

Over the past couple of years, my most popular talk that Iv’e taken around user groups has been the one where I describe what Typescript is, and how it relates to the backend C# developer.

Iv’e found that many back-end devs who would like to jump into client side development, are often put off from doing so simply beacuse of the percieved mess that the JavaScript eco system is in at present, and let’s be fair it’s not a compleatly unfounded reason either, beacuse JavaScript is bleeding at the edges in a great many places.
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2013 Year end

As I sit here on Christmas eve, and look over what I’ve done this year I realize I’ve not blogged anywhere near as much as I said I would. Beacuse of this, I’m really going to try my best to blog at least once a month in 2014, and if I don’t then feel free to shout at me on twitter via @shawty_ds

So what have I learned this year…. well technology wise I’ve really got stuck back into using non .NET tools.
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