An Interview with Crossroads PR

I was recently interviewed by Jennifer Gardner from Crossroads PR for a series of Author Q&A/Profiles commissioned by Syncfusion for their authors in the succinctly range.

Unfortunately my responses where too long for the post to go on the Syncfusion Blog, so they had to be shortened.

Beacuse of that, I’m reproducing the full unedited version here for those who’d like to read it

Continue reading “An Interview with Crossroads PR”

Resharper Succinctly Released

My 5th E-book in the Succinctly series of free E-book by .NET tools vendor Syncfusion was released yesterday.

The subject of this book is the Visual Studio developer add-on “Resharper” written by Jet-Brains.

If your curious as to what it does and how it can help you become a better developer, you can download the book for free here:

Happy reading
