Bootstrap 4 Succinctly Released

The 8th book Iv’e written to date for Syncfusion’s ever popular Succinctly eBook series, and the third one one Bootstrap.

As Bootstrap continually gets better and more feature rich, then there is a need to keep up to date with the latest offerings it provides.

In this book, I take you on a just over 100 page tour of what’s new, and what it can now do (Hint: Flexbox rules!!!) and show you how to produce some interesting layouts.

Best part about it all is it’s free!!!

You can grab a copy here: Succinctly eBooks


Typescript for the C# developer

Over the past couple of years, my most popular talk that Iv’e taken around user groups has been the one where I describe what Typescript is, and how it relates to the backend C# developer.

Iv’e found that many back-end devs who would like to jump into client side development, are often put off from doing so simply beacuse of the percieved mess that the JavaScript eco system is in at present, and let’s be fair it’s not a compleatly unfounded reason either, beacuse JavaScript is bleeding at the edges in a great many places.
Continue reading “Typescript for the C# developer”

Build Automation for Dotnet Core Apps

In a previous blog post I documented how I built a “Build Server” to deploy .NET 4.6+ apps on windows 2012 server.

While this worked, and was a reasonably good way to do it, It wasn’t without it’s problems. During it’s use for example I frequently had timing problems, where just one little change to some JS code would cause NPM to overrun a time out by half a second, or where an SSH connection timed out just slightly before the build server completed it’s login, and on top of all that, it regularly used to take about 15 minutes to build and deploy the project it was being used for. Continue reading “Build Automation for Dotnet Core Apps”

Creating a .NET 4.6.2 Build server on Server 2012

Given that I’ve not written anything original for over a year and a half (More on that in another post) and given I had an hour to spare, I thought I’d quickly go over what I’ve been up to this weekend (Feb 2nd 2017).

As part of a new project I’m involved in, I needed to create a new CI/Build server, and since I’ve had a Dell C6100 sat in the server rack not been used to it’s full potential, I decided now was a good time to put it into use.
Continue reading “Creating a .NET 4.6.2 Build server on Server 2012”

LIDNUG & Stephanie Locke Thur 10th March

OH yea, Lidnug has a new free online webinar coming up… will you be there?

The Alchemy Bin

I would like to let you all know that we have an up-coming event on LIDNUG Thur 10th March with Stephanie Locke titled…

Implementing Analytics in your Applications

This is a free event held on-line through Live Meeting available to anyone who wishes to attend.

You can register for the event via Eventbrite here:


And now; a few words about Steph…

Steph Locke wants to live in a world where everyone she encounters enjoys their jobs and is awesome. Since she’s gifted with the inability to be daunted by a task, she’s using her unbounded perkiness to bring awesomeness to the people. Steph is a fiend for learning, an MVP and a highly popular presence at many community events in the UK; and that’s before we even start talking about the events Steph organises herself.

Steph can be found on twitter : @SteffLocke
and you can find her blog here : 

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Syncfusion E-Book Number 7

Can you believe it’s 3 years since I wrote my first eBook for the Syncfusion Succinctly series, back in January 2013 Syncfusion released “GIS Succinctly”, I never really though it would go much further than that because I really didn’t believe I had that much to offer as a technical writer.
Continue reading “Syncfusion E-Book Number 7”

Lidnug & Scott Guthrie – 4th August 2015

The GU is coming back to LIDNUG!!!

The Alchemy Bin


It is with great pleasure that I add this to my blog.

On the 4th of August, Scott Guthrie (Microsoft Corporate VP) himself will be kindly holding is 18th live Q&A session with Lidnug. This is a free event hosted online via Live Meeting and all are welcome to come along.

The time of this event is Tuesday, August 4th 2015, from 10:00AM to 11:30 AM (PDT)

You can register your interest on Eventbrite here…


Do note you can add this even to your calendar via Eventbrite and please double check time conversions to your local time when doing so.

Once the event is close to starting, the links required to join the session will be posted/sent out. Also; we strongly advise that if you’re going to do this session, to use a windows machine and install the Windows LM Client.

Look forward to see you there and if you have any…

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User Experience Design Goes Deeper Than Tools or Strategies

An excellent post by my good friend and fellow Lidnug manager, Gavin Lanata.

The Alchemy Bin

As many have said, it is fair to say that if you are designing a User Experience for software you are probably doing one or more of the following – Visual Design, Interaction Design, and User Research.

This is in no way a complete list.

These disciplines are the tools or patterns which are used to implement a great user experience. Great, so according to what we’ve just talked about, if we use these tools and mix in many of the well talked about strategies dotted around we should end up with a great user experience.

Well, maybe; depending on the context of the design you are chasing after.

A good friend of mine recently told me about a conversation he’d had with a company offering their services as software developers. Only they weren’t offering their services as software developers, instead they were offering experiences. In their words—’people don’t want…

View original post 566 more words